Resources for Buffalo Flats
Reports, maps & more!
The following informational and technical materials developed in association with the project are available for viewing and downloading. This list will be periodically updated as the project progresses.
Buffalo Flats 30% Basis of Design Report (BDR) – The Basis of Design report has background information, maps of the project area, evaluation of resources in the area, technical data and summarizes the decision-making process.
Buffalo Flats 30% Drawings (Little Creek) – These drawings, maps and photos detail what proposed channel cuts may look like, how and what type of vegetation will be added, and show these changes alongside current irrigation infrastructure. Please note this is a large file and may take a few minutes to fully load all the pages.
Buffalo Flats 30% Hydraulic Modeling Report – The analyses described in this document are focused on modeled hydraulic conditions on Little Creek, which flows through the Project property and through the City of Union. The primary purpose of the analysis was to assess changes in floodplain inundation patterns and timing associated with the proposed Project under various hydrologic conditions.
Project Overview Maps -Map 1 shows project vicinity, boundaries, and identifying features of Buffalo Flats. Map 2 shows irrigation infrastructure upstream, within and downstream of the project area.
Research Literature Related to Project Goals
The Buffalo Flats Floodplain Restoration Project design and proposed actions are informed by the best available science to meet project goals. Applicable research papers are provided for download here.
Restoring rivers and floodplains for habitat and flood risk reduction: experiences in multi-benefit floodplain management from California and Germany (A.Serra-Llobet 2022)
Meadow restoration increases baseflow and groundwater storage in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California (L.Hunt 2018)
The influence of floodplain restoration on flow and sediment dynamics in an urban river (S.Ahilan 2018)